I am thrilled to have been invited to show five new textile art pieces at The Customs House an arts centre in South Shields. http://www.customshouse.co.uk/ The exhibition which opens 30th November is titled "In Dreams"
"Dream City" is one of my pieces included in the show.
I often dream and sometimes they are incredible and complex dreams set in strange places which seem familiar but really aren’t. If my dream is set in a city it’s usually a pretty dreary place with very ordinary buildings, like bus stations and shopping centres. The dream is one of those dreams where you are trying to get somewhere but everything goes against you, and you seem to go round in circles.
In this textile piece though, my Dream City is somewhere beautiful with colour and intriguing buildings which have intricate designs, and textures of gold and precious jewels. How I wish my real dreams could be like this.
I have used some beautiful silk fabric from Sudbury in Suffolk, known for their silk weaving factories which have been there for generations. This pieces contains tie silk fabrics which are woven with stunning colour and intricate designs.